"What is silence? What is nothing? These two words normally give the feeling of emptiness, of absence - but is there such a thing as absolute silence, nothing?
The American composer and artist John Cage was fascinated by the term 'silence' and had the opportunity once to step into an anechoic chamber for the purpose of experience the absolute silence, but what he found out was that we can maybe isolate the sounds from outside, but our living body is constantly creating sounds. From that moment on, what Cage considered silence could be any environmental sound heard when we are being quiet. So even an airplane taking off or the heavy sound of rush hour traffic could be considered as 'silence'.
Now if we look again to the term 'nothing', in comparison with the Cagean silence, it is best to classify nothing as 'of no importance', as well as 'of no interest'. In this photographic series I have done just that. Since the Cagean silence may consist of sounds, even loud sounds, then can not the nothing in our environment of everyday live also be(come) something."
(txt: Hallveig Ágústsdóttir)
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