donderdag 5 maart 2009

Annett Zinsmeister

Annett Zinsmeister
Ruimtelijke installatie "Outside_in I" (2005)
(Afm.: 45 x 3,5 x 8 m)
Schloß Solitude Stuttgart (D)
18.11. - 18.12.2005

".. Annett Zinsmeister (°1967 Stuttgart) uses sections of Plattenbau of the former GDR and builds new spaces by multiplying them. Outside turns into inside, doors are leading into emptiness. Architectural elements were used like ornaments to create new virtual spaces. The repetitiveness brings about a new structure. The final technique of large sized light boxes underlines the optical impression. In her art work Annett Zinsmeister is concerned with cultural influence of architecture. The principal of the series is her main emphasis. Through the endless repetition of segments she brings to light the fascination and the deterrent of mass architecture." (tekst: Galerie DAM -Berlin).

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