dinsdag 28 december 2010

Perry Roberts

Perry Roberts - Transitions

"The buildings in his photographs have gridded, abstract textures due to the nature of their prefabricated construction. Using digital time-lapse photography, Roberts recorded the passage of sunlight over their external surfaces – various facades and elevations – highlights and shadows shifting around the patterns of this local urban fabric." (txt: www.ikon-gallery.co.uk)

More info: Ikon Gallery

maandag 27 december 2010

Yojiro Imasaka

Yojiro Imasaka - new work (2008-2009)

Yojiro Imasaka (°1983 Hiroshima, Japan - lives in NY)

zondag 26 december 2010

donderdag 23 december 2010

Mirjam Hagoort

 Mirjam Hagoort - zonder titel, 2007-20

 Mirjam Hagoort - zonder titel, 2007-40

Mirjam Hagoort - zonder titel, 2008-01


woensdag 22 december 2010

Elisa Strozyk

Elisa Strozyk - Wooden Textiles (2009-2010)

"Wooden Textiles is an approach to responsible thinking concerning lifecycles of products. The outcome is a material that is half wood-half textile, between hard and soft, challenging what can be expected from a material or category. It looks and smells familiar but feels strange, as it is able to move and form in unexpected ways." (txt: Elisa Strozyk)


dinsdag 21 december 2010

Vincent Lamouroux

 Vincent Lamouroux - AR.09 (2008)

 Vincent Lamouroux - Grounded (2005)

Vincent Lamouroux - Sol.06 (2005)

Vincent Lamouroux (°1974 lives & works in Paris)

zondag 19 december 2010

Daniel Robert Hunziker

Daniel Robert Hunziker - Abhang (2010)

 Daniel Robert Hunziker - Areal (2006)

Daniel Robert Hunziker - Building BVG (2010)

More info: von bartha gallery & andreas grimm gallery

vrijdag 17 december 2010

Sabina Lang & Daniel Baumann

 Lang Baumann - Beautiful Steps #2 (2009)

 Lang Baumann - Beautiful Steps #3 (Trautenfels)

Lang Baumann - Beautiful Steps #4 (2009)

Sabina Lang (°1972 in Berne), Daniel Baumann (°1967 in San Francisco)
live in Burgdorf CH, collaboration since 1990


dinsdag 14 december 2010

Rolf Wicker

 Rolf Wicker - HAPrechnung (2006)

 Rolf Wicker - Die Räume meiner Wohnung (1998)

 Rolf Wicker - Burgbesichtigung Position M (2004)

Rolf Wicker - Bandelwerk (2001)

Rolf Wicker (°1965 Ravensburg, D)

maandag 13 december 2010

Sonja Vordermaier

Sonja Vordermaier - Formed absence of light

Sonja Vordermaier - Schatten 28

Sonja Vordermaier - Teslasmog


vrijdag 10 december 2010

Sabrina Basten

Sabrina Basten - Woolroom (2004)

"Unwashed raw wool was used to cover everything in a space which was situated in a residential area scheduled to be torn down. The wool was glued piece by piece onto walls, floors, ceiling, radiators, sink, facet, etc... Wool on the windows modulated the light coming into the environment. Due to the raw nature of the wool, a distinct "sheep" smell lingered. The complete transformation of a room by sheep's wool utterly overwhelms the senses. The smell and atmosphere set a surreal stage for the viewer to experience something truly unique and inspiring."

donderdag 9 december 2010

Sarah Vaeth

 Sarah Vaeth - Web Veil 

 Sarah Vaeth - Shift  An Evolving Exhibit

Sarah Vaeth - Snowcave

woensdag 8 december 2010

Katrien Franken

Katrien Franken - About Hotels
Victoria Hotel (Amsterdam) 

Christoph Gielen

 Christoph Gielen - Untitled VIII (Arizona) (2010)

 Christoph Gielen - Eden Prairie IV (Florida) (2009)

Christoph Gielen - Untitled IV (Arizona) (2010)

dinsdag 7 december 2010

Léopold Lambert

Léopold Lambert - Lost in the line

Lost in the Line, a project presented as a comic book that analyzes the relationship of the lines that we all are used to draw on paper with other ways of using metaphorically the reference to drawed lines as means of control and power. (txt: dpr-barcelona)


maandag 6 december 2010

Angela Strassheim

Angela Strassheim - Evidence

"Long after the struggles ended in these spaces, despite the cleaning, repainting and subsequent re-habitation of the rooms, the 'Blue Star' solution is capable of activating the physical memory of blood through its contact with remaining proteins on the walls. Long exposures- from ten minutes to one hour- with minimal ambient night light pouring in from the crevices of windows and doors, capture the physical presence of blood as a lurid glow: a constellation of stars embedded in the walls."  (txt: The Exposure Project)
