dinsdag 31 augustus 2010

Kevin Saint Grey

Kevin Saint Grey - Empires

Kevin Saint Grey - Metropolis

Kevin Saint Grey - Throw Alderman out of the corner office window


zondag 29 augustus 2010

Heather Rasmussen

Heather Rasmussen - TransportTransform 2007
Pier J, Los Angeles, California. Google Satellite Photograph, 3-39-2004

"I work with the manipulation of scale, maps, color, and shape in order to exercise further control over an environment. Shipping containers are made of steel and are meant to be indestructible. By inverting their materiality, and making the containers out of paper, I essentially remove their strength as sturdy objects for the movement of goods. In turn, the containers become delicate formations of color and shape.
The structure of the sculpture is determined by a satellite photograph retrieved from the Internet. The containers are placed on the floor by color, size, and height based on the map created from this photograph. Like a photo interpreter, I am using the two-dimensional image ‘seen’ by a machine and re-processing it back into a three-dimensional space. I am using a system in which I determine the number of containers on the top layer, based on color and size, and then count the stacks based on shadow height. By using this system I am not only paralleling the relationship of a map to its physical site, but my process of counting doubles as a potential sampling of all the world’s containers used in trade from a specific site and moment." (txt: Heather Rasmussen)


vrijdag 27 augustus 2010

Oscar Lourens

Oscar Lourens - Stavros (2009)

Oscar Lourens - Eleochori (2009)

"Greek concrete skeletons are like modernist buildings. For the artist Oscar Laurens, they form a perfect study into the essentials of the use and the dimensions of space. Oscar Lourens registered and captured houses under construction in north-east Greece. Back in his studio, Lourens meticulously reconstructed the buildings from the images on a 1:20 scale. Lourens' aim however, was not solely to collect and file the buildings, but to investigate what would happen with the meaning of an object when it was resized and placed in a different setting. Indeed, instead of copying the original structure, the reconstruction transformed the object. Even though Lourens never deviated from the original photographic blueprint, the result of his work was no longer the original semi-manufacture, a house on its way to completion, but a completely new and finished product. The model turned out not to be a model at all. " (txt: www.oscarlourens.nl )

Oscar Lourens (°1973 - lives & works in Arnhem)

donderdag 26 augustus 2010


UP 10 - Richard Artschwager - Façade (2005 - Wenen)

"UP is een gratis fanzine dat Koenraad Dedobbeleer (°1975 Halle) samen met Kris Kimpe uitgeeft. Het focust op interessante architecturen. Niet alleen architectuur, ontworpen door architecten, maar elk bouwsel op architecturale schaal dat iets teweegbrengt bij de mens komt in aanmerking. Per uitgave - gedrukt op 1000 exemplaren - wordt één onderwerp in beeld gebracht. UP wordt niet massaal verspreid via het internet. Het wordt enkel in gedrukte vorm verspreid bij geïnteresseerden. Iets wat je wordt overhandigd door iemand die je kent of waardeert, zal niet zo snel in de prullenmand belanden. Het fanzine is ook te vinden in enkele galerijen. Het is niet de bedoeling exclusief te zijn, maar wel om zo efficiënt mogelijk een geïnteresseerd publiek aan te spreken. Eerder dan de grote agenda's te beïnvloeden wil UP regelmatig 'contamineren' op kleine schaal. Het gaat over een particuliere intentie: dit vind ik boeiend, wat brengt het bij jou teweeg? Medewerkers - kunstenaars en ontwerpers - wisselen per editie. Ze beschouwen hun bijdrage aan UP niet als een onderdeel van hun 'officiële oeuvre'. Als niet-theoretici is het niet de bedoeling grote theoretische discours op gang te brengen." Koenraad Dedobbeleer (txt: A+ juli 2007, p.90)

Chris New

Chris New - A series of images inspired by
Russian Constructivism in the early 20th century


dinsdag 24 augustus 2010

Thijs Fokkens

Thijs Fokkens - Hybride (2007)

Thijs Fokkens - Hybride 2 (2010)

Thijs Fokkens - Niets (is meer dan een) (2004)

Thijs Ebbe Fokkens (°1981 Groningen - leeft & werkt in Den Haag)

maandag 23 augustus 2010

Gijs Van Vaerenbergh

Gijs Van Vaerenbergh - The Upside Dome (2010)
Sint Michielskerk, Leuven(B)

Gijs Van Vaerenbergh - Spin Off Micronomics Brussels (2009)

Gijs Van Vaerenbergh - Greenhouse Intersect - Ithaka Leuven (2008)

Pieterjan Gijs (1983) and Arnout Van Vaerenbergh (1983) studied both architecture and work together under the name Gijs Van Vaerenbergh in a multidisciplinary practice with an important focus on public space.

(link via thetreehouse.be)

vrijdag 20 augustus 2010

Bente Miltenburg

Bente Miltenburg - Such was the feeling of space

Bente Miltenburg - Solitary urban living

Bente Miltenburg - But what does one do with such a space

Bente Miltenburg (°1983 NL)

donderdag 19 augustus 2010

Romain Pellas

Romain Pellas - Étagères (1999)

Romain Pellas - Gradin (1994-2002)

Romain Pellas - Plat-forme (1994)

Romain Pellas (°1961 Paris)

woensdag 18 augustus 2010

Ben Jones

Ben Jones - Stair

Ben Jones - Wall

Ben Jones - Yellow On Blue

Ben Jones is an architect with an interest in photography.

dinsdag 17 augustus 2010

Ricci Albenda

Ricci Albenda - Panning Annex - video loop (2007)

Ricci Albenda - Untitled (2001-2002)

Ricci Albenda - Installation at The Hyatt Center Chicago (2005)

Ricci Albenda (°1966 Brooklyn New York)
More info at Andrew Kreps Gallery

maandag 16 augustus 2010

Simon Menner

Simon Menner - Metacity - Tokyo (2009)

Simon Menner’s (°1978, Germany) project 'Metacity' records the informal structures of the homeless in the cities of Mumbai, Chicago, Tokyo and Paris


zaterdag 14 augustus 2010

Mathieu Bernard-Reymond

Mathieu Bernard-Reymond - disparitions series

"In the series 'Disparitions' the artist examines architecture, people, landscape and their mutual interactions."
Mathieu Bernard-Reymond (°1976 France, lives in Lausanne, Switzerland)

vrijdag 13 augustus 2010

Julien Berthier

Julien Berthier (+ Simon Boudvin) - Les Spécialistes (2006)

"One Saturday morning at 7 o’clock on a blind wall in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris. The façade, using the local architectural codes, occupying 10 cm of public space, is mounted and glued on in thirty minutes. Almost 4 years later, the adress still exists. Regularly graffittied, it is cleaned out by the city service."

donderdag 12 augustus 2010

Jan Adriaans

Jan Adriaans - Mounira Garage, Cairo (2009)

Jan Adriaans - Global automotive car (2009)

Jan Adriaans - Clearcoat Garage, Rotterdam (2009)

"I make photos of interiors, I film them, construct them, explore them in their materiality."

Jan Adriaans (°1972 Veghel)

woensdag 11 augustus 2010

Robert Hodgin

Robert Hodgin - Addition Subtraction

Motion painting using gravity, rotation, and several thousand drifting particles. Created in Cinder.

Robert Hodgin is an artist/coder living in San Francisco. His work ranges from simple 2D data visualizations to immersive 3D terrain simulations.